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Todo sobre las bebidas fermentadas

All about fermented drinks

Fermented beverages, such as wine, beer, kombucha and kefir, have been essential in various cultures for centuries, providing flavor and health benefits. Fermentation is a process where microorg...

Noticias10 trucos para cuidar tu microbiota intestinal

10 tricks to take care of your intestinal microbiota

The microbiota, also known as intestinal flora, is essential for our overall health, influencing everything from digestion to the immune system and mood. This article offers a guide to care for an...

NoticiasTodo sobre el Síndrome de Gilbert

All about Gilbert Syndrome

In this article, we explore how kombucha has helped one of the founders of Mun Kombucha, Jordi Dalmau, manage the symptoms of Gilbert Syndrome, an inherited condition that causes elevated levels of...

NoticiasLos 18 alimentos probióticos que tienes que consumir

The 18 probiotic foods that you have to consume

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, administered in the appropriate amount, have numerous health benefits, according to the WHO. Nutrition professor Allan Walker says many people could improve...

Noticias5 alimentos probióticos naturales que puedes hacer en casa desde cero

5 natural probiotic foods you can make at home from scratch

Would you like to eat more natural probiotics? Now you have no excuse! We show you how to make 5 probiotic foods at home super easily: sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, fermented ketchup, and sourdough ...

NoticiasLas 7 formas como la kombucha te puede ayudar a adelgazar

The 7 ways kombucha can help you lose weight

Drinking kombucha daily can be a great ally for losing weight. Rich in natural probiotics, this drink improves intestinal flora, facilitating digestion and regulating intestinal transit.Plus, its l...

NoticiasJengibre, la raíz que puede mejorar tu salud

Ginger, the root that can improve your health

Ginger is a plant native to Asia, known for its spicy-tasting root used in both cooking and traditional medicine. It is grown in warm, humid climates and is valued for its medicinal properties, suc...