Hangover? Discover how kombucha can be your post-party ally

We've all been there: waking up after a night of celebration with a pounding head and a strong desire to stay in bed all day. Hangovers are a nuisance, and while there are many traditional remedies to combat them, a more natural solution has recently been discovered: kombucha. In this article, we'll explore how this fermented drink can help you get through the day after a party.

What is kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented drink that has gained popularity around the world for its health benefits. Originally from Asia, it is made by fermenting tea with a combination of bacteria and yeast. The result is a bubbly, slightly acidic drink rich in vitamins, enzymes and other beneficial compounds.

The science behind a hangover

But what exactly is a hangover ? It occurs due to several factors, one of the main ones being dehydration . Additionally, when we drink alcohol, toxins are produced in our liver that can make us feel unwell the next day.

Acetaldehyde is a substance that is mainly formed during the metabolism of alcohol in the liver. When we ingest alcohol, it is initially converted into ethanol, and then, thanks to the action of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, it is metabolized to acetaldehyde. This compound is significantly more toxic than ethanol and is at the center of many metabolic reactions related to alcohol consumption. Its accumulation can contribute to several negative symptoms associated with alcohol poisoning and hangovers. The rapid conversion of acetaldehyde to less toxic substances is essential to minimize these adverse effects.

Benefits of kombucha for hangovers

  1. Hydration : Although it is not a substitute for water, kombucha can help rehydrate the body thanks to its fluid and electrolyte content. After a night of overindulgence, it's essential to replenish lost fluids, and kombucha can be a great option to do so in a tasty way.
  2. Liver Detox : Kombucha is rich in antioxidants and enzymes that can help cleanse toxins from the body. While the liver works hard to process alcohol, the compounds in kombucha can help in this detoxification process.
  3. Restoring acid-alkaline balance : After drinking, our body's pH balance may be disturbed. Kombucha, with its slightly acidic nature, can help restore this balance, making us feel better faster.
  4. Vitamin and Mineral Replenishment : Alcohol can deplete our body of essential nutrients, particularly B vitamins. Fortunately, kombucha is a rich source of these vitamins, as well as other essential minerals that our body may have lost.
  5. It can speed up the metabolism of ethanol to acetaldehyde, so you may experience less severe hangovers.

Tips for consuming kombucha after a night of partying

  • Quantity : Although kombucha is beneficial, it should not be overdone. A glass or two throughout the day should be enough.
  • Ideal time : Try to take it in the morning to start the recovery process as soon as possible. If you are foresighted you can have a glass just before going to bed.
  • Combinations : If you want to boost the anti-hangover effect, consider combining your kombucha with ginger or citrus, which are also known for their benefits after a night of drinking.


A hangover is something most of us would prefer to avoid, but if you find yourself suffering the next day, consider drinking a bottle of kombucha. Although it is not a miracle cure, its hydrating, detoxifying and restorative properties can help you feel better.

Our recommendation

While it is fascinating to understand the chemical and metabolic interactions related to alcohol and acetaldehyde, it is essential to remember that leading a healthy life brings irreplaceable benefits. Moderating or, where appropriate, eliminating alcohol consumption can significantly relieve stress on our metabolic systems and reduce the risks associated with acetaldehyde toxicity. Adding fermented foods and drinks, such as kombucha, to our diet can provide probiotic benefits and improve digestive health. Finally, the path to a full and healthy life is often found in the daily choices we make in terms of food and lifestyle.