
Join DRY JANUARY with kombucha!

¡Únete al DRY JANUARY con kombucha!

Welcome to a new year! This will be an incredible year. Not only have we proposed it, but we also know it for a fact because there are some cool new things coming that we want to share with you. We suggest you start these 12 months with an initiative that we found super interesting

After so many days where celebration in the broadest sense of the word has taken precedence (seeing each other in person after a couple of years of restrictions, giving free rein to copious meals and also unusual drinks...), what do you think? would it seem to adopt a proposal that helps you focus on taking care of your health?

At Mūn we join the DRY JANUARY CHALLENGE. A proposal deeply rooted in Anglo-Saxon countries that we want to implement here and which consists of not drinking, throughout the month of January, any drink containing alcohol.

If you sign up to participate, in addition to significantly improving your relationship with alcohol and everything that its consumption entails , you will obtain other benefits. Among others, you will improve your sleep and the appearance of your skin; you will regulate the hypertension caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages ; your liver will take a well-deserved rest, You will lose weight and see improvements in your immune system.
We want to go one step further and we suggest that you also leave aside sugary or artificially sweetened soft drinks , and that you opt for Mūn Kombucha to accompany your meals, for your meetings with friends, for your moments of fun, in your day to day. day in short.

How to be successful with DRY JANUARY

We offer you 2 easy ideas that will help you succeed in your purpose:

Plan how you will carry it out and make a plan with healthy alternatives. Do you have a family celebration in January? How would you like to introduce them to kombucha as an alternative for healthy toasting? Imagine that Sunday vermouth accompanied by a Paleobirra, that paella that will be scary with a Ginger, that meeting with friends that you are going to wash down with all the varieties of Mūn to enjoy together...
Look for accomplices. Your family, your friends, your co-workers. The more you compete to not break the rule, the easier it will be to do so. How would you like to activate a WhatsApp group to share sensations?

Do you join the challenge? We offer you 10 incredible flavors to choose from! If you don't know where to start, we suggest the Mix pack of 24 250 ml bottles . You will have the entire month of January covered and you will discover which is your favorite flavor (if you can choose just one).

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